Ham house

Fronting the Thames at Richmond is a 1620s house, home to aristocrats who managed to survive the Civil War despite being buddies of Charles I. The menfolk debunked to France leaving the women to avoid the destruction of the Puritan army. How they managed this was not detailed.

The walled gardens appealed more than the rich decorations and opulent lifestyle of the house. Maybe a little touch of jaundiced jetlag?

Susan Ackroyd
preparatory chaos

Thanks to our tech savvy and delightful neighbour this timely blog function is now in place. Slow Travel's blog is not appropriate for this journey, Santiago a lovely memory. So now every flat surface in the house has piles of stuff, half of which are probably not needed. Any journey seems to start in the vortex of advancing deadline, multiple lists, gleeful anticipation. Bring it on!

Susan Ackroyd